Advertising with San Ramon Chamber of Commerce

Website and eNewsletter

Advertising on the San Ramon Chamber of Commerce website or our official newsletter has never been easier, and at the same time, cost effective. Call us now to secure your spot and start showcasing business to visitors at once. Available to the public. You don’t need to be a member to advertise here.

Website Ad Rates

  • Minimum 90 days (three months)
  • Two changes/period
  • Link to your website
  • Personalized stats
  • Non-members add $50
  • Combined website and eNewsletter ads 25% discount
  • Artwork Extra $75 (ads by Sina Advisory Group). You may provide your own artwork.

eNewsletter Ad Rates

  • Minimum 90 days (three months)
  • Two changes/period
  • Link to your website
  • Personalized stats
  • Combined website and eNewsletter ads 25% discount
  • Non-members add $50
  • Artwork Extra $75 (ads by Sina Advisory Group). You may provide your own artwork.

Advertise with us
Powerful and cost-effective ads.

Call us today: (925) 242-0600
The chamber is not responsible for content of the ad not meeting with our specification. The chamber reserves the rights to reject ads not suitable for our audience . Price valid until updated by the chamber.