Generating New Business through Meaningful Connections
The Business Referral Network is a proactive group of San Ramon Chamber of Commerce members who meet twice monthly to generate new business through referrals to and from fellow members. BRN members get to know each other and their businesses on a deeper level that leads to not only successful referrals, but fellowship and collaboration.

Membership is limited to no more than two (2) businesses/organizations in the same industry. To be eligible for BRN membership, a company must:
- A. Be a member in good standing with the San Ramon Chamber of Commerce.
- B. Be available to consistently attend BRN meetings which take place the first and third Thursdays of each month from 9:00am to 10:00am.
- C. Be prepared to provide fellow BRN members with legitimate referrals.
- D. If accepted, pay an annual $180 BRN Membership Fee.
The Business Referral Network at the San Ramon Chamber has exceeded my expectations. It has increased my exposure in the local business community, helped develop my presentation skills, and increased my knowledge of other industries. More importantly, it has assisted me in building relationships, exchanging quality referrals and increased the awareness of my products and services. I am so thankful to be a part of this professional group. I love having the support with my fellow BRN partners!