Why Join us?

So why should you try to cram time into your already hectic schedules to join and actively participate in the San Ramon Chamber of commerce?
Because membership in the San Ramon Chamber offers numerous benefits and keeps business owners on top of important, ever-changing issues and trends within their community and local marketplace.
Not only that, but research points out that consumers are more likely to do business with a company if it’s a member of their local chamber of commerce.
According a research study by The Shapiro Group, Inc. and Market Street Services, when consumers know that a small business is a member of their local chamber of commerce, they are 44 percent more likely to think favorably of it and 63 percent more likely to purchase goods or services from the company in the future.
If you still don’t think you have time to join and participate in your local chamber of commerce, consider the following:
- Most consumers (59 percent) think that being active in the local chamber of commerce is an effective business strategy overall. It’s 29 percent more effective, however, for communicating to consumers that a company uses good business practices and 26 percent more effective for communicating that a business is reputable.
- If a company shows that it’s highly involved in its local chamber (e.g., sits on the chamber board), consumers are 12 percent more likely to think that its products stack up better against its competition.
- When a consumer thinks that a company’s products stack up better against the competition because the company is highly involved in its local chamber of commerce, it is because he or she infers that the company is trustworthy, involved in the community and is an industry leader.
- When consumers know that a restaurant franchise is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are 40 percent more likely to eat at the franchise in the next few months.
- When consumers know that an insurance company is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are 43 percent more likely to consider buying insurance from it.